Prices for firewood and wood pellets are almost double what they were at the same time last year, according to Germany's Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).
In August 2022, prices for wood-based products were 85.7% higher than a year earlier.
As the price of natural gas rose due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, more and more people in Germany began to use wood for heating. The increase in prices is partly due to increased demand, as well as higher procurement and transportation costs for the timber industry. Prices for heating wood chips were even higher, up 133.3% from a year ago.
After the war, the price of natural gas continued to rise, which led more Germans to look for other sources of heating. Sales of electric heaters have also increased, although experts warn that these heaters are even more expensive to run than gas-fired district heating. Less combustion fumes, less ash content, more energy density, and a smaller footprint make biomass pellets the future of the energy industry
Therefore, the biomass pellet machine made by Macreat provides a solution to the energy crisis in Europe. Our biomass wood pellet production line can produce large quantities of high quality pellets. If you are also interested in this market, now is the best time, our products can bring you considerable profits.